Is it too late for a resolutions post? Maybe. Probably. Anyway, forgive me if you’re one of those ‘I-don’t-do-resolutions’ people, but welcome to my first post of 2018 in all its resolution-laden glory!
So, its the start of another year. How was your Christmas? I hope it was relaxing and you feel rejuvenated for the year ahead.
I’m feeling positive about 2018. I can feel it in my bones, you know? My lack of energy and somewhat dimmed enthusiasm for the garden has been reconciled and now I’m keen to get stuck in and make a proper thing of this gardening lark.
1. Design my garden
This is one I have been putting off for quite some time. I’m just so… indecisive.
I’m sure this indecisiveness is worsened by my crippling lack of experience in garden design, so perhaps I should cut myself some slack (another resolution right there!). I have done many sketches, watched all the gardening shows (Ground Force is still the best, Garden Rescue is still the worst) and measured all the nooks and crannies. But I can’t seem to settle on one solid and lovely idea.
I must admit there is an added pressure to get this design sorted and begin working on it as I’m planning to get married in the garden in August 2019. Daunted doesn’t even begin to cover it. Below is an outline of my garden as it currently stands, if you have any suggestions or tips for me, I beg you, please leave them in the comments below or message me.
My plan is to get the design done before the end of March. I’ve posted about my design dilemma on the Gardener’s World forum and on Houzz too.
2. Make better elderflower wine
2017 saw my first foray into wine-making and I’ll be honest, it did not go as well as it could have. The process itself was far simpler than I imagined (literally just mix water, sugar and elderflower heads together and store) but it tasted vile.
Now, I’m no wine connoisseur, but I like the odd glass of sparkling wine and a half-decent glass of something fizzy and alcoholic was my goal. However, the end result was, paradoxically, too sweet and too bitter to stomach. This year, around May, I’ll make it again and alter the recipe slightly. It might help if I knew more about the brewing process in general, so I’ll probably investigate that more. Fingers crossed!
3. Document the changes in my garden
I have a bit of a thing for a good ‘before and after’, but it’s the tracking of progress and thus the ability to measure a rate of change and growth which really speaks to me – it’s both satisfying and reassuring that things are at least moving in a direction rather than oppressively stagnating.
So in 2018, I want to post more regularly about any changes in my garden and I might even try my hand at vlogging (although don’t expect me to get in front of the camera!).
There are lots of smaller resolutions that I also want to achieve in the garden. Like… actually grow a vegetable or something! Oh and I’m also giving up Irn Bru, but didn’t really think it was too relevant for a gardening blog. Do you have any new years resolutions this year? Gardening or otherwise?
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April 22, 2018 at 7:27 pm