Well, in the last couple of months since I wrote a garden update, as you may have guessed, not a lot has changed. This is partly due to me being on holiday,…
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My gardening resolutions for 2018
Is it too late for a resolutions post? Maybe. Probably. Anyway, forgive me if you’re one of those ‘I-don’t-do-resolutions’ people, but welcome to my first post of 2018 in all its resolution-laden…
Gardening at Christmas
Well, it’s that time of the year again. It’s the time where we all hunker down and do loads of exercise and spend loads of time outdoors drinking loads of green smoothies…
Book review: Garden Planning
Welcome to my first book review! Before I got stuck into gardening, I spent four years of my life reading a tonne of books and getting a degree in English, so it's…