Why I Want Chickens

The research is done, the coop has been bought and the ground has been cleared –  I’m ready for my chickens. I’m hoping to get four chickens, even though the coop can take ten, and I’ve decided to get them from a local poultry business Hens made Easy, which isn’t too far from me.

In the last few weeks, as I’ve been telling everyone I’m getting chickens, the majority of people are very happy and excited for me. (Usually, when I’m doing this, I’m giddy with excitement myself while explaining my plans). However, some have asked me why I want chickens. It’s a good question, and one I think everyone should ask themselves when looking to keep chickens. This is why…


I’d be lying if I didn’t say eggs were my main reason for getting chickens. I love the idea of the Good Life and being as self-sufficient as possible – keeping chickens is definitely a nod to that.

Also, I can confidently say from research and word of mouth that the eggs will be nicer and cheaper than store-bought ones. (If you’re interested, Andy Cawthray from the great blog Chicken Street has a pretty nifty breakdown of the price comparison.)

And while it doesn’t entice me as much as eggs (for many reasons), I am also open to the chickens being a potential meat source – but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.


Don’t shoot me, but I don’t currently make my own compost. I have a half-arsed attempt at a compost bin, and it does have garden waste in it, but compost it is not.

I’m hoping that by keeping chickens, and all the biological benefits their poo can bring, I’ll be able to up my composting game and will be able to mulch to my heart’s content. I’d like to be as organic as possible in my garden, and anything that helps and speeds up that process, be it poo or otherwise, is good in my book.

Not only that, with space to roam about and the sunshine on their backs, I’m happier knowing that my chickens will generally lead a happier life.


It’s been a dream of mine for a while now to have a garden or smallholding with a few animals to keep me company. Chickens and bees were always at the top of this list – there’s just something about it that I can’t quite explain. One thing’s for sure, working in an office these last three years has only amplified my desire to be immersed in nature. Roy thinks I’m joking when I list the benefits of keeping goats…


From what I’ve read, seen and heard, chicken keeping is nothing if not fun. Even Roy, (whose attitude to chickens was “They’re going to be your chickens so you’re doing the work!”) was reduced to compulsive gushing when I showed him some examples of chicken keeping on YouTube. The lady in Dundee I bought the coop from said they were great entertainment for her and the kids. (I should note, this woman started with 4 chickens and ended up with 36!).

It would be great to hear why you decided to get chickens, or why you want them!

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